Genießen Sie Freie Reisen Mit Ankara Autovermietung

Genießen Sie Freie Reisen Mit Ankara Autovermietung
Kalecik Castle is located 78 km from the city center of Ankara and on the Çankırı road. It is believed that Kalecik Castle was built by the Romans and Byzantines during the Byzantine period. 
Kalecik Castle is built on a steep rock at an altitude of 150-160 meters. The walls of the castle were made using masonry stone material. There is an arched entrance in the castle and a cylinder-shaped tower on both sides of the entrance. The history of Kalecik Castle and the region where it is located M.D. it dates back to the 4000s. 
In the area where the Kalecik Castle is located, the Hittites M.D. it corresponds to the remains that it lived 4000 years ago. Kalecik Castle was captured by the Seljuks in 1075 and the castle came under Turkish rule. Together with the Ottomans, Kalecik Castle was taken under the domination of Ankara province during the time of Yildirim Bayezid. 
There is a cellar and a cistern in Kalecik Castle. There is a square shaped hole on the upper side of the castle that opens to the cellar part. Near this cellar, there is a Burial Chamber. It is known that Kalecik Castle was last repaired during the time of the Ottomans.  If you want to see this historical heritage of Ankara up close and make a mysterious discovery in history, you can easily make your reservation by choosing the most suitable vehicle from the wide fleet of the Ankara Car Rental company, Eco Oto Kiralama, which operates within Ankara Esenboga Airport and on Tunis Street. 
What are the Places to Eat and Drink in Ankara?
If you want to take a delicious short break on your trip to Ankara, you can make your experience with businesses such as Liva Pastry Shop, Bosphorus Restaurant, Legendary Professor Sadık Usta, Famous Tavacı Recep Usta, Historical Kitchen Restaurant, Masabaşı Kebab Shop, Famous Özçelik Aspava.
Accommodation Places in Ankara
You can end your day comfortably by choosing one of the Hotel Kayra, Hotel Cinnah, Hotel Evren, Verda Hotel, Ismira Hotel Ankara, Ataköşk Hotel, Altınel Ankara Hotel & Convention Center, Tunalı Hotel, Royal Ankara Hotel, Koza Suite Hotel and Hotel 2000 businesses located in the center of Ankara.
Where is Ankara Kalecik Castle and How to Get There?
Ankara Kalecik Castle is located on Çankırı road, 78 km from Ankara city center. The distance between Kal Decik Castle and Ankara Esenboga Airport is 51 km.
You can easily reach your Kalecik Castle trip with Ankara Car Rental and Ankara Avis service, where you will benefit from the Ecocar Car Rental company located at Ankara Esenboğa Airport and Ankara Tunus Caddesi. 
Ecoc Decar Car and Fleet Rental Company takes its place among the preferred corporate Ankara Car Rental companies due to the fact that it puts customer satisfaction first with its professional team. 
In order to obtain Ankara Esenboğa Car Rental and Rent A Car Ankara services in the most comfortable way with Ecocar, your reservations; our offices, you can perform it on our website or from our customer service, which provides 24/7 service. 

Customer Service 24/7;
0850 307 8050
[email protected]
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